The latter have heard one day from the mouth of another companion a special prayer. In fact the companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) often recited litanies which they have not learned from him (peace and blessing be upon him), without any denigration of the God’s messenger. The Caliph Sidna Omar Ibn al-Khattab came sometimes to find out about what companion Sidna Hudyfa would have eventually got from the mouth of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him), among other variant prayers upon the prophet usually recited by believers, and the one called “ salat al-Ibrahimiya”. On the other hand, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) had inculcated in to his companion Sidna ‘Hudyfa some secret teachings, the latter was not allowed to disclose. The commentators of such Hadith underlined that the execution of common use second specifications and ordinary concepts of the Shari’a and Sunna will be enough to the good believer, except those well built introspectively, and capable to transcend towards the maximum.

#Sholawat fatih series
A genuine Hadith reported by the companion Sidna Abu Hurayra, which says that he learnt from the prophet two series of Hadiths, therefore he is authorized to disclose the first series, but not the second one, as it may cost him his life, because common people would not understand them.